5 Mins | Beginners/Intermediate | Stretching | Office Yoga Break
It’s no secret that sitting at a desk for long hours can take a toll on your body and mind....
2 Mins | Beginners | Mobilty | Easy Core Workout with a Desk Chair
Who says you can’t multitask while you work? With this 2-minute Easy Core workout with desk chair, you can boost...
3 Mins | Beginners | Mobilty | Standing Desk Workout To Do at Work
Are you looking for a way to stay active and healthy at work without sacrificing precious time or productivity? Look...
2 Mins | Beginners | Mobility | Office Exercises To Improve Your Posture
Sitting all day in front of your computer and electronic devices can take a toll on your body over time....
10 Mins | Beginners/Intermediate | Stretching | Yoga for Back Pain Relief
According to the National Institutes of Health, 80 percent of Americans will experience lower back pain at some point during...
15 Mins | Beginners/Intermediate | Stretching | Morning Exercises To Do At Home
Morning workouts can help you improve your mood, enhance mental clarity and lower your blood pressure. A morning workout has...
Standing Marches – A Simple Warm Up Exercise
What are Standing Marches? Standing Marches is a full-body workout that activates lower and upper body muscles, including the glutes,...
Neck Rotation – Simple Exercise for Your Tight, Stiff Neck
What is Neck Rotations? Neck rotations help relieve tightness in the sides and back of your neck. It’s the ultimate...
Arm Rotations Exercise | Exercise Guide
What are Arm Rotations? Arm rotations provide a foundational warm-up for your upper body. It works on the muscles of...