You’re The Average Of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With!
Jim Rohn!
So every effort put towards your health by you, indirectly helps someone close to you get healthier and fitter! Because watching your workout streaks on the app might inspire your friends/peers or someone close to do more exercise.
This effect of community motivation along with positive appreciation-based game-play is at the core of “Fitness as Lifestyle” revolution that O’Coach is aiming to ignite!

How does the O’Coach community work?
- When you opt-in to this fitness community and do a quick workout – a quick posture restoration routine or a nice simple stretch using O’Coach custom workout app – your efforts are posted to the wider global community.
- See the global feed with people, sitting worldwide are actually taking exercise breaks during their working day is going to get motivated to do the same!
- The power of community! A fit global community!
Community – Motivate, Appreciate, Compete and Follow!

- You can motivate others for their efforts by giving them Fist Bump!
We are sure that you’ll receive a ton of Fist Bumps as well! - Leader-boards based on time invested in a healthy body and overall streaks are a great way to keep yourself motivated! So, yeah, take the challenge, and be a leader!
- Watch the workout done by users. And download those workouts! So basically, you can keep discovering new workout routines from across the globe!
Join the fitness community to get fitter and healthier together with people close to you and inspire each other by posting your workout routine to the global feed in the O’Coach community.