A proper cool-down is just as essential as the warm-up, especially after an intense chest and triceps workout. Cooling down helps reduce muscle stiffness, promotes flexibility, and accelerates recovery.
In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through six highly effective cool-down exercises, specifically targeting the chest, triceps, and upper body, allowing you to recover faster and more effectively.
Essential Chest and Triceps Cool-Down Exercises:
1. Child’s Pose

Target Area: Lower Back, Chest, Shoulders, Triceps.
- Stretches the chest, shoulders, and triceps, relieving post-workout tightness.
- Provides a gentle stretch for the lower back.
- Promotes relaxation and deep breathing, helping to reduce stress and tension.
How to perform Child’s Pose?
- Begin on your hands and knees, with knees spread wide and big toes touching.
- Sit your hips back towards your heels, extending your arms forward.
- Lower your forehead to the floor, keeping your arms stretched out.
- Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds, taking deep breaths.
2. Camel Stretch

Target Area: Chest, Abdominals, Hip Flexors.
- Opens up the chest and stretches the triceps after a heavy pressing session.
- Improves flexibility in the spine, chest, and abdominals.
- Helps relieve tension in the chest and shoulders.
How to Perform a Camel Stretch?
- Kneel on the floor with your knees hip-width apart.
- Place your hands on your lower back or reach for your heels.
- Push your hips forward and lift your chest towards the ceiling, arching your back slightly.
- Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, then release gently.
3. Standing Spinal Twist

Target Area: Chest, Shoulders, Spine, Obliques.
- Stretches the chest, shoulders, and spine.
- Increases mobility and flexibility in the upper body.
- Promotes recovery by gently lengthening the muscles used during your workout.
How to perform a Standing Spinal Twist?
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Extend your arms straight out to your sides, palms facing forward.
- Gently twist your torso to the right, keeping your feet grounded, and hold for a few seconds.
- Return to center and repeat on the left side.
- Perform 8-10 twists per side.
4. Cross Body Arm Swing Stretch

Target: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps.
- Stretches the triceps and chest, reducing post-workout muscle tightness.
- Increases flexibility in the shoulders and arms.
- Aids in muscle recovery, promoting better flexibility after a heavy workout
How to perform a Cross Body Arm Swing Stretch?
- Stand tall and extend your right arm across your body at shoulder height.
- Use your left hand to gently press your right arm towards your chest.
- Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, then switch to the other arm.
5. Deep Breathing

Target Area: Diaphragm, Intercostal muscles (muscles between the ribs), Abdominal muscles
- Enhances lung capacity and efficiency.
- Reduces stress and promotes relaxation.
- Improves oxygen delivery to the body’s tissues.
- Lowers heart rate and blood pressure.
- It enhances focus and mental clarity.
How to perform Deep Breathing?
- Find a comfortable seated or lying position with your spine straight.
- Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen.
- Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your abdomen to expand while keeping your chest relatively still.
- Exhale slowly through your mouth, feeling your abdomen contract.
- Repeat the procedure, focusing on your breath and maintaining a steady, rhythmic pattern.
How to incorporate these exercises into your routine?
Now that you have learned the essential cool-down stretches for your pull day, take your workout to the next level with our comprehensive Pull-Day Cool-Down Plan. Click here to access the full plan and ensure a strong finish to your session.
Embrace the power of optimal warm-ups and cool-downs with our expertly crafted routines. Take your fitness journey to the next level by downloading the 100% free O’Coach Custom workout timer app today.